Q: Where is Temescal Canyon Park?
A: 15601 Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA
Temescal Gateway Park and the Temescal Classrooms encompass 141 acres of oak and sycamore canyons, ridge-top views, and a beautiful seasonal waterfall. The popular loop trail starts adjacent to the year-round Temescal Creek and travels along the canyon ridge, offering spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean. We are excited about being in this location as it offers the peace we wish to bring to the world.
Q: What is the registration fee and how can I pay?
A: You can pay the registration on our website - www.originforces.com. We use PayPal, where you can securely enter your credit card information. Register soon for significant savings.
Early Bird Registration by October 6th - $329 for each module ($100 discount)
Register for both classes - 15% off total
Early Bird and Both Modules discount - $559.30 total ($298.70 discount)
Register after October 6th - $429 each module
Registering both modules after October 1st - $729.30 ($128.70 discount)
Q: Is the parking fee included?
A: Yes, it is included in your registration. If you received a scholarship, you will be asked to pay your parking fee of $20 per day.
Q: Are there scholarships available?
A: Yes, please inquire by emailing [email protected] for scholarship information. We want everyone interested in helping shock and trauma victims to learn this work and do not want you to be discouraged because of finances.
Q: Do I have to sign up for both classes? Can I take them separately?
A: Taking both modules together is recommended but not required. Early bird registration and registration for both modules offer a discount, see registration fees.
Q: Are there accommodations? What about meals?
A: Let us know if you are coming from out of town - we may have students who can host you or cabins available to rent. As well, there is always Airbnb!
We are planning a group lunch at the picnic tables outside - bring something to share - and also bring your own snacks and fluids for the day.
Q: What if I am not a caregiver or bodyworker but want to learn about your work?
A: This class is specifically for those in any of the caring fields working with clients who may have experienced shocking or traumatizing experiences. Elizabeth works with clients one-on-one, both in person and over Zoom, if you would like personal support. We also host intimate support groups. There is an upcoming support group - Empowered Embodiment - which will cover a lot of this work and give you a starting place. Please see our website for more information or send an email.
More Questions?
Go to www.originforces.com, email [email protected], or call 323-533-0013